1/4/14 | By: KacyLou

The Camera

So, my Mom and Step-dad gave me his old camera. 
I couldn't be more excited! 
I remember taking classes in high school for photography.
I have even mentioned to Tony that we HAVE to have a Dark Room in our house.
[[Later of course]]

Anyways, there was this picture already on the chip that was sent with it.

I don't know who took it. But I love it. :D

Tony and I went to the dog park, finally. It's sad when the dog gets tired of walking before we did. 
He is just so lazy sometimes. 
But we love him so.
I took a lot of pictures.
I didn't edit them.
At all.
So bare with me. 

Probably thinking, "Another picture?"

They have an awesome friendship. 

We think he is so handsome. :D



Meggy Riley said...

Take a picture of your new camera!!! Wait… :P

KacyLou said...

Lol silly girl.

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