4/30/14 | By: KacyLou


Got these for Easter from the family! Thank you guys!!!!
Love you much!

4/10/14 | By: KacyLou

There are moments...

There are moments in life that you remember for the rest of your life.
I made a new moment today. 
I was looking through my photos that I've taken this week when I received a message from a cousin that my great grandmother had died. I was stunned. I knew this was coming...but nothing can prepare you for the death of a loved one. Nothing. 

Pork Chops!

Soooo, I decided to pan fry pork chops last night. I know, I know, so bad for you. But I couldn't help it, T hasn't had them like this so I decided to go for it. I ended up making them into sandwiches with mommas french fries and sauce. Cause T and I  love that. (: 
So here goes. 
This is the flour. I mixed flour, salt and pepper, and then a lot of Cayenne Pepper. We love our food spicy! (: Just mix however much you want to make. But you are only dipping the Pork Chops in once on each side so you won't need that much. 

Then, I put pepper on both sides of the meat, and a little garlic salt.

Before I start dipping the meat, I turn the stove on medium high heat and add olive oil and Butter (for flavor and the goldenness).

Then...I dip!!

See, so golden and pretty. I let both sides cook for about 5 to 6 minutes since the Pork Chops were about half an inch to an inch. 

Cut the potatoes in half. then into fourths. Mom said to spray with olive oil or leave plain while in the oven. I sprayed mine lightly.

Then I made the sauce. (hehe, the sandwich is in the background. Cool beans!)

4/7/14 | By: KacyLou

My great grandmother..

I knew it was coming. Our entire family has been holding our breath waiting for this kind of day. Although we didn't expect it to happen like this. 
There are certain things in our generation that, sometimes I would honestly just wish would somehow get deleted. Like Facebook. It's TOO much sometimes. 
Last night I was just scrolling down my news feed, I saw two posts from family saying they were, "heartbroken" and "going to go to bed crying tonight." I got curious. Then I saw it more. So i messaged a family friend, I stared at this picture for a full two minutes and I could have sworn it was an hour more. 

The news was about my great grandmother. My great grandpa was deciding to turn off her machines this morning. Part of me is thankful because she won't be in so pain. But it still hurts so much. I spent a lot of time with them when I was little because I stayed with my grandma Red, who is their daughter. Everyone is hoping that he changes his mind, but once he makes up his mind about something, there is no changing it. And if it lessens her pain...

This wonderful woman will always be in our hearts.  I love you grandma!!

So this day is a dull one. Because without this sweet sweet woman, the sky won't seem so bright for a little woman. But she lead a full and long life. Which I am so thankful for. <3

4/3/14 | By: KacyLou

Stressing Out..

I am completely stressing out about the move. T has decided that it will be best to live off base. And I agree. Because saving 500$ is better than paying the entire 1700 to the military. Kind of a rip off. 
But anyways, we found 3 absolutely adorable apartments that we have to look at saturday because if we don't they will be given away. 
There were places that weren't available until august.
Apparently Cali is somewhere people wanna be.
Who knew. :P 
Anyways. I'm really excited by it all, but I'm also very stressed out.
Like, having panic attacks stressed.
And usually I do so well with it all...
Anyways, just a little tad bit of information.