Social networking started a long time ago. Just like most things, it started small and grew bigger and bigger. Facebook, Myspace, Youtube and more.
I'm saying this because as of tonight, I have become a social networking bash.
In other words, I stated my opinion on a certain issue and have ended up with negative results. Which honestly is fine. I knew I was going to be lighting a fire.
What I didn't know was that that fire was going to be within my own family.
I grew up in the South. They have strong opinions about pretty much everything and looove sweet tea.
Well, I guess all those good ole traits skipped me. I rarely drink sweet tea and I'm not racist.
In middle school I had a best friend, Tabitha. She was black. But I didn't notice it or even care honestly. Until my father told me she couldn't come over because she wasn't the same color as me. Well NEWSFLASH, I am albino with freckles..........a lot of people don't have the same skin color as me. But as a kid I didn't understand. And I think that as I grew older and started understanding certain things....well no. I didn't become a racist.
From my own comment on Facebook to my father...
If you are racist then at least stick to it and give me something to work with. Our ancestors made their own decisions. You make yours. Racism is taught. Therefore people TEACH their children to hate. To bully. And you are right, I have turned out to be a great person. But only because I stand up for the weak.?? Because I put my opinion out there? No. Because I don't judge someone by the color of their skin. Or their religion. I judge someone by their character! By what they say. Any one person can have an opinion, but what you do with that opinion makes you the person you are. I didn't bully anyone with my status or my comments. Did I? I didn't say anything bad except for the FACT that people now a days don't think past what their mothers or fathers told them to think. America is supposed to be about equality and freedom and yet it is 2014 and we "the people" are still having a freaking HISSY FIT over a black history month. And are still throwing HISSY FITS because of interracial marriages. America is scared of anything that is different. When what we REALLY should be scared of is the STARVING. And the HOMELESS. And the VETERANS. The things that actually matter. There will be hate in every culture. In every human being. Choosing to be a good person is determined at a young age. I have never ever walked into a room and decided to sit in a certain place because there was a black, or asian, or any kind of race in the same room. Underneath the skin color we are all muscles and bones. I'm sorry that you have such a harsh opinion on skin color but you are literally just making yourself be the bad guy. EVERYONE HAS DONE SOMETHING BAD. Doesn't matter what color the skin.
I got very passionate about what I was speaking and I don't feel bad for it. If you choose to be racist. Then keep that amongst yourselves. The world needs more children out there to grow up in a bully free environment. To grow up and not be scared to be friends with the black kid sitting next to them just because of their skin color. The United States is supposed to be about freedom of speech. About equality. The video I am going to post pretty much made me cry. And only because these kids get so passionate about the situation. If we could all have that innocent mindset when it comes to "judging" a specific person we would probably all have more friends. You should choose who you hang around because of someone's personality. Not their skin color or religion or anything else that doesn't "sit right with you." You should be friends with someone because of their character and their personality.
Enough about this for now. My hands hurt from all the typing. I will leave you with this awesome video.
Please Please go watch it HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!